Out of Order Chaos
In many ways it was inevitable Dave would combine
his love of photography and poetry. The result is
Out Of Order Chaos. 55 poems. 55 images. But as the intro says, “The images do not illustrate the poems, or the poems describe the images. They live alongside each other with similar reasons for being.”
Softcover 11 x 8.5. $15

The Way I See It (Volume 2)
Volume 2 of Dave’s photography. What he calls “unashamedly more of the same.” But more of the same in this case means engaging images from years spent traveling the world, with a fascination for hidden patterns, unnoticed details and dramatic vistas.
Softcover 11 x 8.5. $20.
The Way I See It
Something very different from Dave. A book of his photography. Intriguing images captured around the world over many years, this is a high quality 220 page 8.5 x 11 edition. These are unquestionably the photos of a poet.
Softcover 11 x 8.5. $20.

Looking At Life (The Collected Lyrics)
A high quality, large format book containing every song lyric Dave has written that he considers worthy of publication. The songs are organized under the titles of albums Dave has released with an extra section for unrecorded and early lyrics.
Softcover 11 x 8.5. $20.
Songs: Volume One
Created to secure the trademark openDmusic for printed sheet music, this book includes the music and lyrics for the 18 original songs on Dave’s Raised In Vain / Afterthought album. It also includes the blog posts Dave wrote at the time that delve into the motivation behind and origins of each song.
Softcover 11 x 8.5. $5.

In Them Days
Nottingham, England. It’s where Dave was born and lived until he was in his twenties. Under a title drawn from that city’s vernacular, Dave recounts incidents, some funny, some touching, some youthfully erotic from his formative years.
Softcover 5 x 8. $10.
Exit Strategy
Released to coincide with his 70th birthday, there is a theme here that is not surprising: exits of one kind or another. But it’s only an accidental theme, it does not dominate all the work which jumps with ease from humor to storytelling to deep observation.
Softcover 5 x 8. $10.

There Is No Superman
On one level this has been described by a reviewer as some of Dave’s most accessible poetry. On another level, after more than five decades of writing poetry, that apparent simplicity comes from a rare expertise for exploring the deepest human experiences and putting them into words.
Softcover 5 x 8. $10.
Righting (The Pandemic Poems)
Righting (The Pandemic Poems) is the result of the global pandemic. With both the time and the inclination to write, Dave completed this book of poems in record time. It was written between March and August 2020.
Softcover 5 x 8. $10.

Of Which We Have Spoken
Of Which We Have Spoken deals with issues small and large, personal and universal, past and present. Sometimes all within the same poem.
Softcover 5 x 8. $10.
The Momentary Truce
The Momentary Truce continues Dave’s poetic exploration of our complex emotions and the personal relationships of all kinds that they both create and destroy. Second edition.
Softcover 5 x 8. $10.

or words to that effect
Dave’s first collection of poetry that won a Gold Medal in the “IPPY” Awards for independently published books in 2009. The first Limited Edition sold out. This is the 2nd Edition, which includes some previously unpublished early poems.
Softcover 5 x 8. $10.
Billy Highway & The Magic Guitar
Not a published work and not for general sale for copyright reasons, this is a story written by Dave that has the potential to become an animated movie. It is a story about how the music of Bob Dylan shapes the life of young Billy Highway after he is introduced to it by his grandfather who lives in Greenwich Village in New York.